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[1] 现代流通业自主创新的机制与广东的实践经验,财贸经济(中国社科院财贸所),20094月;

[2] 我国家电连锁企业高速增长的轨迹及其成长机理,商业经济与管理,20074月;

[3] 生态位理论的本质及其在我国零售企业应用的战略意义,商业经济与管理,200512月;

[4] 广州大型零售企业发展滞后的成因及其治理思路,暨南大学学报,2007 月;

[5] 家电连锁企业低价策略的国际比较与借鉴,改革,20074月;

[6] 商业生态圈中平台企业生态优势形成路径研究,经济与管理研究,20189月;

[7] 平台领导演化过程及机理研究基于开放式创新生态系统视角,中国科技论坛,2019(05).

[8] 商业生态系统中平台领导力影响因素及作用机制研究基于扎根理论的探索性研究,南开管理评论,202007.




[1] Low Price Strategy and Sustainable Development of Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China ,International Journal of Business Strategy , International Academy of Business and Economics (USA)2007.11

[2] Management Innovation and Development of Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships for Large Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China, Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, IEEE Computer Society2008.8

[3] The Role of IT in Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Global Retailing Companies, IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized EnterprisesIEEE Computer Society2008.9

[4] Integrated Distribution Services: An Innovative Mechanism and Case Study, 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE)2010

[5] The Mechanism of Integrated Distribution Services Based on Supply Chain Management: Case Study on Hong Kong IDS GroupProceedings of The 5th International Conference on Innovation and Management, UNU-MERIT2008.12

[6] Manufacturing logistics management Using RFID Dynamic and Case StudyICCASM2010.

[7] Give Goods or Give Money? The Influence of Cause-Related Marketing Approach on Consumers’Purchase IntentionFront Psychol2021.





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[1]汤胤(2021).兴趣社交网络中的种子用户分布研究.Journal of Systems Engineering(系统工程学报), 35(02),A3

[2]汤胤(2020).引导式教学场景下的深度强化学习模型研究.Journal of Systems Engineering(系统工程学报),35(02),A3

[3]汤胤(2017).基于有向有限穿越可视图的时间序列伴生网络.Journal of Systems Engineering(系统工程学报),32(02),156-162+264. A3



[1]Wei, Haiying, and Yaxuan Ran. Male versus Female: How the Gender of Apologizers Influences Consumer Forgiveness. Journal of Business Ethics, 2019(1),371-387.

[2]Siyun Chen, Haiying Wei, Lu Meng and Yaxuan Ran, Believing in Karma: The Effect of Mortality Salience on Excessive Consumption, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019(7).

[3]舒丽芳,卫海英,冉雅璇. 品牌福泽百姓——品牌福祉的概念、维度及量表开发[J].营销科学学报2019.(8).


[5]Qiyuan Zhang , Kevin Zheng Zhou , YongguiWang , HaiyingWei(通讯作者),Untangling the safeguarding and coordinating functions of contracts: Direct and contingent value in China,Journal of Business Research,2017.(9).


[7]冉雅璇,卫海英,Sam J.Maglio,黄敏,李清“单枪匹马”还是“人多势众”——企业道歉者人数对消费者宽恕的影响,南开管理评论,2017.(4).

[8]陶红, 卫海英. 抢雷策略对品牌危机修复效果的影响研究——品牌危机类型, 品牌声誉的调节作用. 南开管理评论, 2016(6), 77-88.

[9]卫海英, 李清, 杨德锋. 品牌危机中社会关系冲突的动态演化机理——基于解释学的研究.中国工业经济,2015 (11), 109-124.

[10]卫海英, 刘红艳. 服务企业员工互动响应能力的生成路径研究.营销科学学报, 2015(3), 121-132.

[11]卫海英, 骆紫薇. 中国的服务企业如何与顾客建立长期关系?——企业互动导向, 变革型领导和员工互动响应对中国式顾客关系的双驱动模型.管理世界,2014(1).

[12]卫海英, 骆紫薇. 社会互动中的品牌至爱生成机制——基于释义学的研究. 中国工业经济, 2012(11), 135-147.

[13]卫海英, 杨国亮. 企业-顾客互动对品牌信任的影响分析——基于危机预防的视角.财贸经济, 2011(4), 79-84.

[14]卫海英, 雷超. 产品与服务的品牌资产比较研究.财贸经济, 2010(5), 109-115.

[15]卫海英, 张蕾, 梁彦明, 姚作为. 多维互动对服务品牌资产的影响——基于灰关联分析的研究.管理科学学报,2011(10), 43-53.



[1]Lu Yue, Xie Ninghui, Yang Defeng* and Lei Xi. Can brand sharing change consumers’ brand attitudes? The roles of agency-communion orientation and message length. Journal of Business Research. 2021, 128(May), 350-359. (SSCI, 通讯作者)

[2]Wang, Zhanqing, Ran Lun and Yang Defeng*. Interplay between quality disclosure and cross-channel free riding. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2021, 45(January–February), 1-6. (SSCI, 通讯作者)

[3]Lu, Yue, Wang Zhanqing, Yang Defeng* and Nakaya Kakuda. To be or not to be equal: The impact of pride on brand associated with dissociative out-group. Journal of Product & Brand Management. May, 2021, online. (SSCI, 通讯作者)

[4]Li, Yiting; Xie, Ninghui; Li, Qing and Yang Defeng. How to mitigate the negative effect of dissociative groups on consumer brand choice: the moderating role of information-processing approach and self-affirmation. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science. 2021, accepted.

[5]Yang Defeng, Shen Hao and Robert S. Wyer. The face is the index of the mind: Understanding the association between self-construal and facial expressions. European Journal of Marketing. 2021, 55(6), 1664-1678. (SSCI)

[6]Zhang Qiyuan, Jason Lu Jin and Yang Defeng. How to enhance supplier performance in China: Interplay of contracts, relational governance, and legal development. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2020, 40(6), 777-808. (SSCI)

[7]Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin, Yang Defeng and Kevin Zheng Zhou. Inter-partner control, trust, and radical innovation of IJVs in China: A contingent governance perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 2020, 88, 70-83. (SSCI)

[8]Liao, Junyun, Yang Defeng, Wei Haiying, Guo, Yulang. The bright side and dark side of group heterogeneity within online brand community. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2020, 29(1), 69-80. (SSCI)

[9]Liao, Junyun; Wang, Lu; Huang, Minxue; Yang Defeng, Wei, Haiying. The group matters: Examining the effect of group characteristics in online brand communities. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 2020, online. (SSCI)

[10]Zhang, Xueli and Yang Defeng*. When friends become enemies: co-opetition relationships between banks and third-party payment providers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2020, 38(5), 1133-1157. (SSCI, 通讯作者)

[11]Yang Defeng, Wei Jiang and Weihong Zhao. Proactive environmental strategy, innovation capability and stakeholder integration capability: A mediation analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019, 28(8), 1534-1547. (SSCI)

[12]Yang Defeng, Xu Wang, Zheng Karvin Zhou, Wei Jiang.Environmental strategy, institutional force, and innovation capability: A managerial cognition perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, 159(4), 1147-1161. (SSCI)

[13]Yang Defeng, Ninghui Xie, Sarena J. Su. Claiming best or better? The effects of target brands’ and competitors’ puffery on holistic and analytic thinkers. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2019, 18(2), 151-165. (SSCI)

[14]Yang Defeng, Shibin Sheng, Shuilong Wu, Kevin Zheng Zhou. Suppressing Partner Opportunism in China: Contextualizing Institutional Forces in Supply Chain Management.Journal of Business Research, 2018, 90, 1-13. (SSCI)

[15]Yang Defeng, Yue Lu, Yu Sun. Factors influencing Chinese consumers’ brand love: evidence from sports brand consumption. Social Behavior and Personality, 2018, 46(2), 301–312. (SSCI)

[16]Yang Defeng, Jin lou and Sheng Shibin. The effect of knowledge breadth and depth on new product performance. International Journal of Market Research, 2017, 59(4), 517–536. (SSCI)

[17]Yang Defeng, Lu Yue, Zhu Wenting and Su Chenting. Going green: How different advertising appeals impact green consumption behavior. Journal of Business Research, 2015, 68(12), 2663-2675. (SSCI)

[18]Yang Defeng, Zhao Ping, Lou Runping, Wei Haiying. Environmental marketing strategy effects on market-based assets. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2013, 24(5/6), 707-718. (SSCI)

[19]Yang Defeng and Wang Xinxin. The Effect of 2-tier Store Brands’ Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, Brand Knowledge and Attitude on Store Loyalty.  Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2010, (1), 1-28.



[1]王战青, 杨德锋, 冉伦. 为什么消费者“线上逛店、线下购买”?反展厅现象的发生与消费者质量期望的关系研究.《管理科学学报》, 2021, 24(1), 71-88.

[2]杨德锋, 周涵, 雷希, 黄赞. 明星还是普通人?不同目标追逐阶段消费者对品牌群体标签的偏好差异研究.《南开管理评论》, 2021, online, 网络首发.

[3]潘定, 刘子瑛, 杨德锋. 自控还是放纵?上行比较对消费者行为的影响.《南开管理评论》, 2021, online, 网络首发.

[4]杨德锋, 雷蜀豫, 姚卿, 古晨妍, 孙彧. 负面评论首页效应:追评数量和评论深度的影响.《营销科学学报》. 2021已录用, 待刊.

[5]李怡婷, 谢宁慧, 李清,杨德锋. 如何减弱规避群体对消费者品牌选择的负面影响?《营销科学学报》, 2019, 15(2), 76-101.

[6]杨德锋, 江霞, 宋倩文. 消费者何时愿意选择与规避群体关联的品牌?《心理学报》, 2019,51(6), 699-713.

[7]杨德锋, 宋倩文, 胡丽丽. 绿色产品诉求对消费者绿色购买意愿的影响研究.《消费经济》,2017, (1), 63-69.

[8]刘伟, 王新新, 杨德锋. 何为死忠粉?品牌崇拜的概念和维度研究——基于网络志方法[J].《品牌研究》, 2017(03), 28-43.

[9]李清,卫海英,杨德锋,冉雅璇. 顾客-员工拟亲关系对顾客重购意愿的影响——沟通风格、感知背叛的调节作用.《营销科学学报》, 2016, 12(1), 89-106.

[10]卫海英,李清,杨德锋. 品牌危机中社会关系冲突的动态演化机理——基于解释学的研究.《中国工业经济》, 2015, (11), 109-124.

[11]吕瑛,杨德锋. 基于灰关联分析的顾客参与动机研究.《现代管理科学》,2015, (6), 46-48.

[12]杨德锋, 李清, 赵平. 分享中社会联结、假想观众对品牌至爱的影响——他人回应分歧性的调节作用.《心理学报》, 2014, (7), 1000−1013.

[13]杨德锋, 江霞. 赵平. 奖励分享能强化分享者原有的品牌至爱吗?——奖励在体验分享中的影响研究.《南开管理评论》,2014, (3), 4-18.

[14]杨德锋,赵平,张梦远. 向他人分享品牌体验能强化分享者原有的品牌态度吗.《营销科学学报》,2014, (2), 82-98.

[15]杨德锋, 马颖杰, 马宝龙. 社会互动、代际文化价值观传递与品牌体验的形成. 《管理评论》, 2014, (3), 70-80.

[16]马颖杰, 杨德锋. 服务中的人际互动对体验价值形成的影响——品牌价值观的调节作用. 《经济管理》, 2014, (6), 86-98.

[17]杨德锋, 李清, 赵平, 卫海英. 商店情感、面子意识与零售商自有品牌购买意向的关系研究.《财贸经济》, 2012, (8), 97-104.

[18]杨德锋, 李清, 卫海英, 赵平. 商店忠诚、自有品牌态度及其购买意向的关系研究.《商业经济与管理》, 2012,(10), 61-70.

[19]杨德锋, 李清, 赵平. 品牌特性对品牌至爱的影响:BESC和物质主义价值观的调节作用. 《北京工商大学学报》(社会科学版), 2012, (5), 12-19.

[20]杨德锋, 赵晶, 赵平. 面向可持续发展的双赢范式与企业竞争优势构建机制研究. 《软科学》, 2012, (7), 1-5.

[21]杨德锋, 杨建华, 楼润平, 姚卿. 利益相关者、管理认知对企业环境保护战略选择的影响. 《管理评论》, 2012, (3), 140-149.

[22]杨德锋, 杨建华, 卫海英. 品牌体验、自我展示与品牌至爱:通过非凡体验创建品牌至爱. 《商业经济与管理》, 2010, (10), 69-77.

[23]杨德锋, 杨建华. 环境战略、组织能力与竞争优势. 《财贸经济》, 2009, (9), 120-125.

[24]杨德锋, 杨建华. 环境战略研究前沿评述.《外国经济与管理》, 2009, (9), 29-37.

[25]杨德锋, 王新新. 零售商自有品牌感知质量的居中性:基于线索诊断理论的研究. 《商业经济与管理》, 2009, (5), 81-89.

[26]杨德锋,王新新.价格促销对品牌资产的影响:竞争反应的调节作用.《南开管理评论》, 2008, (8), 20-30.

[27]杨德锋, 王新新.制造商线索与零售商自有品牌感知质量.《中国工业经济》, 2008, (1), 87-95.

[28]杨德锋, 王新新. 2-梯队自有品牌感知质量、感知价值、品牌知识和态度对商店忠诚的影响作用.《营销科学学报》, 2008, 4(1), 69-85.

[29]杨德锋, 王晓玉. 西方参考价格研究评述.《经济学动态》, 2007, (8), 99-103.

[30]杨德锋,王新新. 零售商自有品牌感知质量的形成与提升研究.《消费经济》, 2007, (6), 68-71.

[31]王新新, 杨德锋. 基于全球伦理准则的标准化/本地化:以创建全球性品牌为目标. 《北京工商大学学报》(社会科学版),2007, (5), 41-46.

[32]王新新, 杨德锋. 自有品牌与零售商竞争力研究.《哈尔滨商业大学学报》(社科版), 2007, (6), 94-97.

[33]杨德锋.产品变量对渠道结构模型的影响研究.《北京工商大学学报》(社会科学版), 2006, (6), 56-60.

[34]杨德锋. 加油站选址研究.《中国石油大学学报》(社会科学版), 2006, (3), 20-23.


1)Yong Zhang, Yuwen Wen and Min Hou. The Effect of Attribute Alignability on Product Purchase: The Moderating Role of Product Familiarity and Self-Construal. Front. Psychol. 2021

2)Yong Zhang,Jinxin Liu,Shibin Sheng,Strategic Orientations and Participation Intentions for Technical Standardization,Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2020(8)

3)张泳,侯敏,王馨. 制度驱动要素对企业标准竞争参与意向的影响,科研管理,2017(7)

4)张泳,林楚玲. 企业参与技术标准制定研究综述,科技管理研究,2019(14)

5)张泳. 标准竞争市场中的消费者购买决策研究:不确定性及基于心理模拟的沟通策略. 暨南学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016,38 (11)

6)张泳, 周诚, 姚琼. 标准竞争对新产品购买决策的影响研究:基于不确定性的分析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2012, 33(5)


[1]Zhou Hong, Xiaomin Wei. The Influence of Different Meanings of Money Priming on Consumer’s Comparative Decision-Making. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2020-07-01(03):180-193

[2]Chunxiu Ye, Hong Zhou.The Influence of Time Landmarks on Consumers’ Advertising Appeal Preferences,Psychology,2019-04-19,560-577

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[2]Hongyan Liu,Jinlan Yang, Xiaoxi Chen.Making the Customer-Brand Relationship Sustainable: The Different Effects of Psychological Contract Breach Types on Customer Citizenship  Behaviours、Sustainability、2020-01.

[3]刘红艳, 张斯贤.看清”空间”真面目:空间隐喻对消费行为的影响研究述评与展望、外国经济与管理、2019-02.

[4]刘红艳, 张丽娟, 魏伟. “时间流”:概念、维度及影响因素初探、心理科学、2017-06.

[5]刘红艳, 魏伟, 卫海英.非目标消费群体品牌使用行为对目标消费者品牌态度的影响——自我建构的调节作用、管理评论、2017-08.

[6]. 卫海英,刘红艳(通讯作者)服务企业员工互动响应能力的生成路径研究、营销科学学报、2015-01.

[7]刘红艳, 网络口碑效应因人而异?-个体独特性需求在网络口碑影响消费决策中的作用、商业研究、2014-02.


[9]Cui, Geng, Hongyan Liu ,Xiaoyan Yang, and Haizhong Wang , Culture, cognitive style and consumer response to informational vs. transformational advertising among East Asians: Evidence  from the PRC, Asia Pacific Business Review,2013,19(1):16-31. (SSCI).

[10]刘红艳,崔耕. 中国企业如何从“引进来”到“走出去”?-企业内向国际化模式对外向国际化绩效的影响. 财贸经济,2013-4.

[11]Cui, Geng, Xiaoyan Yang, Haizhong Wang and Hongyan Liu, Culturally Incongruent Messages in International Advertising, International Journal of Advertising(SSCI), 2012,Vol. 31, No. 2, 1-22.

[12]刘红艳,李爱梅,王海忠,卫海英,不同促销方式对产品购买决策的影响—— 基于解释水平理论视角的研究,心理学报,2012-8.(广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖)

[13]张积家,刘红艳. 言语产生和理解中汉语个体量词的通达. 心理学报,2009年第7期.

[14]王海忠,刘红艳. 品牌杠杆—整合资源赢得品牌领导地位的新模式. 外国经济与管理,2009年第5期.

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2.Liao, Junyun, Jiawen Chen, and Xuebing Dong. Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of brand community-swinging in a poly-social-media context: a perspective of channel complementarity theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (2021). Available online, SSCI.

3.Liao, Junyun, et al. Antecedents of smartphone brand switching: a push–pull–mooring framework.[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (2021) , Available online, SSCI.

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6.Guo, Yulang, Zhang, Pan, Liao, Junyun, & Wu, Fang. Social Exclusion and Green Consumption: A Costly Signaling Approach [J].Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, 3049. (Available online, SSCI)

7.Liao, Junyun, Xuebing Dong, and Yulang Guo. Examining knowledge contribution in firm-versus consumer-hosted virtual brand community[J].Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2020): 100963.(SSCI)

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10.廖俊云,林晓欣,卫海英.虚拟品牌社区价值如何影响消费者持续参与?品牌知识的调节作用[J].南开管理评论, 2019, 22(6): 16-26.

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3.汪涛 (导师一作),颜建国, & 王魁 (通讯作者) 政企关系与产能过剩:基于中国制造企业微观视角. 科研管理, 2021, 42(3): 46-60.

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5.汪涛 (导师一作), 王魁, & 陈厚. (2015). 时间间隔何时能够提高在线评论的有用性感知——基于归因理论的视角. 商业经济与管理, (2), 46-56. CSSCI (该文被人大书报资料中心《市场营销》2015年第6期(理论版)全文转载